Our design experts and energy engineered solutions will suit all of your renewable energy, indoor air quality & energy efficiency needs.
As an energy efficient company focused on reducing carbon footprints and improving your indoor air quality, our core competencies lie in the following areas:
- Sustainable Products & Solutions
- Energy Efficiency Technologies
- Renewable Energy Integration
- Indoor Air Quality Design & Implementation
These core competencies allow us to
provide solutions for energy efficiency, improved indoor air quality, and
carbon footprint reduction.

I will start with Daughters of Charity, a retreat for retired nuns ; last year there was an HlNl epidemic that shut down the entire facility where 45 nuns were sick and many employees. We presented 02PRIME as a solution to their problem. Since the installation in the Infirmary the resident nuns have not been sick. We are now in the process of designing 02PRIME for the entire 600 acre facility.
St. James school, where my grandchildren attend; we worked together to do a design and installation in the entire school ; as you know the facility is older but we have noticed a difference in the smells and sickness. I cannot imagine what type of bacteria the children would bring home had we not installed 02PRIME.
Rick Will, Vice President, Mounts Electric
Our hospital daycare where we did a pre and post indoor air quality test; as you know I cannot divulge the readings of what was found in the pre-test but the post-test really took me by surprise. I could not believe the post-test readings came back as negligible-meaning the findings in the pre-test could no longer be read not even a minute amount!
We also had concerns with helicopter smells coming into the hospital, especially in the Human Resources Department where we had a few pregnant ladies that were getting sick from the smells. Your team installed 02PRIME and within just a few hours the smell was gone and the complaints subsided. As you said, the key is to keep the fans running and the brushes/needles clean on the equipmen to ensure the product works at maximum efficiency.
To me this product definitely works and I am thinking of specifying it in my new facilities. We really appreciate you working with the engineers on the projects to help them understand 02PRIME and how it can make a difference in nosocomial infections and other problems such as mold, pollen, allergies, and formaldehydes.
Mark Merrill Director of Facilities & Maintenance, Deaconess Hospital
Thank You for working with Alpha Mechanical on O2PRIME, as the Certified Installer for O2PRIME we have been able to walk with you on the pre-test and post-test at so many facilities and see the results for ourselves. I am completely amazed with this product and the results we have seen, we are recommending O2PRIME to all of our customers and I have included a few examples below. I have not included the facility or test results as this information is private.
Childcare Facility where a pre-test and post-test were performed, I could not believe what was found on the pre-test and wish I was allowed to list all that was found. The post-test after installing O2PRIME was the first I had seen and it was all gone!Hospital Office Area where there was a problem with helicopter smells coming into the hospital, especially in the Human Resources Department. After installing O2PRIME and within a day no signs of the smell, there was a call back several months later and all we had to do was clean the needles with a rag. No changing an expensive bulb like with other products, we showed the staff how to do this and they are putting in their regular PM system Public Housing Complex where we had found a Mold Problem, only found in specific common areas. We installed the O2PRIME in the individual units where there were problems and there has been no sign of it since!Don Woods, Alpha Mechanical
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Sustainability Management Partners
5625 Pearl Drive
Evansville, IN 47712